Friday 14 January 2011

Is your Hotel serious about sustainable tourism?

-Do you have a written policy regarding the environment and local people?

- Describe the single contribution to conservation or local people that you are most
proud of.

- How do you measure your contribution to conservation and local communities?

- How many local people do you employ, what % is this of the total, and are any in management positions?

- What have you specifically done to help protect the environment and support conservation, and which local charities or initiatives do you work with?

- What % of produce and services are sourced from within 25km of your hotel?

- How do you treat waste water (marine ecosystems and other wildlife is being destroyed by pumping effluent out to sea), and how do you heat their building (i.e solar)?

- What information and advice is provided to tourists on local cultures and customs?

- Do you employ guides from the local community (local guides not only provide unmatched insights into local cultures, but are also aware of areas/behaviour that might cause offence among local people)?

- Do you have any ideas on how you might get customers involved with local people and conservation in a worthwhile and rewarding way for customers and the destination.

 Finally, observe your staff's attitude towards sustainability & the environment. A policy might exist but change only happens with the right attitude.

Remember no-one is perfect but we should all do our best to be responsible and promote sustainability!

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